Sunday, January 4, 2015

A New Year, a New Worthy Girl's Guide

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years and was able to enjoy time with their loved ones. As we go into 2015, I have decided to revamp The Worthy Girl's Guide, though you might have noticed from when I originally began this journey that my tune has changed over the course of the past year. Here's why:

I originally decided to start The Worthy Girl's Guide with the intent that it be solely health based with the emphasis being on the importance of spiritual health. However after a few months into blogging, I realized that God had a greater purpose for me and I felt that He was weighing the message heavily on my heart that I needed to put all of my emphasis on Him. I could hear Him saying to me, "the world has so much noise about how to live a healthy lifestyle and not enough noise about Me".

Though I am no Bible expert and I'm certainly far from perfect, I am a Child of God who struggles and sins daily; but because of The Worthy Girl's Guide, I have been able to face and overcome many challenges this year simply because of the accountability I've felt through this endeavor to stay true to the woman I want to be in Christ- which means failing countlessly but getting back up and finding a way to start anew, which is what I plan to continue to share with you. So, though I still feel it's important to share the Word of God as it pertains to body image and health and wellness, I feel even more strongly that it's important to share the Word of God as it pertains to all areas of our lives because let's face it- our struggles are not one dimensional and we NEED God in ALL of them. Since I had pretty much forgone the original topics of this blog months ago, not much will change with the content you see on Facebook or in the blog itself; I just felt it necessary for my own growth to address the change in my heart officially (even if it's just me who sees this).

I hope you all have a wonderful 2015 and enjoy the "new" Worthy Girl's Guide!

"Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19